Generosity in loss

It’s tough out there right now. We see it in the Free Store, with record numbers of people from all walks of life coming in to get food.

It’s not just hard on the people of our city, but also on our businesses.

Our staff at Kairos were humbled by a bittersweet windfall that was gifted to us recently. One of our local businesses suddenly and unfortunately had to close its doors. Kairos received a call inviting us to come in to their premises and take whatever we could use. This included thousands of dollars’ worth of food, shelving that we needed for our chillers, kitchen appliances and office furniture and stationery.

It would have been cause for celebration if we weren’t so conscious of the tragedy behind the gift.

We can’t begin to express our compassion and respect for a business that, in the midst of its own crushing loss, would think of the needs of Kairos and of our community. We are hugely grateful.

So be kind out there. Things are tough on everybody.


Sponsor Shout-Out: Keeping the Wheels Turning


It’s not just a food truck